Thursday, August 29, 2024

Trailer Park Vignettes – “Return Mission, Part Twenty-One”


c. 2024 Rod Ice

All rights reserved




The military brig at New Cleveland was cold and austere. A place intended to humble prisoners, though in a humane fashion that befitted the culture developed on Mars. Each cell had basic amenities, and was equipped with sensors that allowed monitoring from a single station. Live surveillance continued all through the day and night. There was never a time to relax. Though no torture or punishment was allowed, often, those incarcerated at the facility broke down from stress. Being housed in such a sterile and severe environment usually caused even well-trained recruits to sign a pledge of contrition, and make videos for general distribution. These minimalist productions included confessions of guilt, pleas for understanding and forgiveness, and oaths of renewed loyalty for authorities in the planetary colonies. Only one captive seemed strong enough to resist, long-term. She would not murmur with regret, or guilt. Instead, her defiant tone only grew louder while being held behind bars.


Lt. Kelly Strafe had been trained for exploring outer worlds in the solar system, under harsh conditions. She did not bend or break, despite being isolated. Instead, each day only served to increase her fortitude.


Guards at the facility kept their distance from her cubicle. They interacted only when necessary.


Commander Hornell Block arrived at the unit on a Tuesday afternoon. He wore a standard uniform, as if on duty in charge of his spacefaring vessel. But did not try to make a show of his presence, otherwise. After logging in at the security kiosk, he walked through corridors until locating the metal cage of his former junior. He stood silently in front of her cell for a moment, then cleared his throat and offered a greeting.


“Kelly, how have you been? I apologize for the way things turned out between us...”


His former aide bared her teeth and growled, animalistically.




Her commander bowed his head.


“I would ask that you show respect to a superior officer!”


His erstwhile lieutenant spat through the grid of steel bars.


“I don’t have my rank anymore, remember? You took that away, along with my privilege to speak freely! And my career in the force!”


Block looked dejected. He closed his eyes and nodded.


“Perhaps I deserve that, it wasn’t my intention to blank your commission. I only wanted to protect our way of living. Do you understand? We’ve survived as a race because of our discipline. Because of the strong will exhibited by settlers who came here from Planet Earth. We had to learn to do better. Our rowdy, cowboy habits nearly made us go extinct. Our survival has depended on staying true to principles of honor and loyalty. Straying from the path is suicidal. I had to take action before you went off on a wild goose chase, so to speak...”


Strafe bit her lip and cursed.


“Make yourself believe whatever you want. You’re a soulless robot now. You’ve been completely converted. I pity you really, it can’t be pleasant to live on your knees. Always clicking your heels like a good tin soldier, and hopping to the crack of a whip.”


Her one-time superior clenched both fists while holding his breath.


“Okay, are you trying to get under my skin, Kells? That’ll do it for certain. But remember that I’ve been the one team member in your corner. I’ve never given up on your abilities or effort. I know how hard you’ve worked to rise this far on the ladder...”


She could barely force out a whimper. Yet had to respond in kind.


“I’m not on your damn ladder anymore. You kicked my ass off of that thing! I hope it feels good to have twisted the knife. You didn’t seem to feel any remorse. Just remember that old saying, ‘What goes around comes around.’ Are you safe from the same kind of recriminations? You were the one that let Dr. Baines jump ship, after all. How long will it take them to figure out the mystery? Guilt is a stain that doesn’t just wash out with a trip to the laundromat. You might’ve earned some extra time by selling out a friend, but it won’t last. Trust me. When you’re behind bars like I am, things won’t feel the same!”


The Morningstar commander gulped his pride. Her words resonated too powerfully for his liking.


“There are a fleet of Ibid carriers at the space dock. Slower, smaller transports, but no less efficient. No less sturdy or reliable. I can make one available for your use. They can travel between here and Terra Firma in about one month. Not a sprint exactly, but quick enough for your purposes...”


His demoted junior laughed and cocked her head to one side.


“What the hell is this, a bribe? Are you trying to buy me off?”


Block looked deadly serious. He did not take any amusement from her accusation.


“If you really care about that university geek, then an Ibid craft would be the way to get in touch. They aren’t regulated by the force, or the Martian high council. They are private vessels, moving at their own pace and not under any governmental authority.”


Lt. Strafe cackled and looked directly into his face.


“So, that’s your deal? A get-out-of-jail card? You let me hop a civilian transport, and be out of your hair? No muss, no fuss?”


He groaned from spikes of regret in his belly.


“Frame it however you want. I’m not a monster. I cared enough about Baines to let him poke around at that trailer park in the woods. Who knows, he might discover something truly groundbreaking about our ancestry. We’ve all wondered how mankind came to the Red Planet. None of us are old enough to have asked such questions about our heritage. But the puzzlement still echoes in our heads. We are all immigrants to a foreign world. Every one of us, from me to you! We crossed the border unannounced. We invaded this far-flung territory, and made it our own. Now, we wrestle with questions about what got everything started. Is it wrong to open Pandora’s Box? I don’t know. You don’t know. That professor doesn’t know. It’s a chance we’ll have to take...”


The deposed officer put her face between the jail bars, and grinned.


“Okay, Big H, I accept. Since my tour with the space force has ended, I might as well jump on a swiftboat, and head into the cosmos. Tell me where to sign up! I’m ready for a new adventure!”

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